
Posts Tagged ‘rain’

Well, we did not get the Memorial weekend summer weather we were hoping for but I still got the garden planted.




Right now it is stuffed to the brim so I will probably have to cut out some of the weaklings later in the season.  We planted starters of tomatoes (early girl, big boy, and cherry), zucchini, cucumber, yellow squash, red bell pepper, habanero pepper, green beans, and eggplant!! I know some of these might be a stretch, as I haven’t had the best of luck with some of these veggies, but you have to keep trying right?






So I have high hopes.  We are already enjoying great salads from our lettuce!


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We all have moments of complete insanity where we feel we must do something or everything will fall apart.  Does that make sense?  What I mean is, on Friday I had my own moment of insanity (though those of you who know me closely would doubt this was the only time).  While it was raining in Brookline, I kept checking the radar for the weather in New Hampshire.  I checked on the Winnipesaukee website and weather.com.  I called my dad and he pulled up webcams from the lake and they showed DRY.  So I got in my car and drove to the lake.  To water my plants.  Because I felt bad.  Of course, it had rained at the lake, though I couldn’t be sure how much because apparently not a single meteorologist noticed it raining.  But it’s okay because this is my lake, and if this was your lake, wouldn’t you want to be there as much as possible?

So I again watered the garden – might as well, I was there, wasn’t I?  And these little babies need a lot of water to keep them up and going.  I went in the house, took a little nap before the drive home, and woke up to more pouring rain.  Oh well.  It was a nice ride regardless.

So things are looking a-okay up there.  The plants that were put in last weekend are hearty and happy and the seeds are continuing to grow!

This is the pumpkin:

And a red bell pepper.  The plants behind it are cucumbers, I believe.

But this little one – this is the only pea plant that I believe is growing.  At this point, I have planted around 30 pea seeds.  They are not growing.  Except this one (which might not even be a pea!)

I would say the garden is on the right track.  And the driving wasn’t bad.  What I will say, is I am thrilled to be driving around again.  That’s probably why these long drives aren’t a hardship – I haven’t had my car since January and I am finally on the road again – oh, and I’m listening to Harry Potter.

The Harry Potter books-on-tape have been recommended to me time and again but I am just not a good listener.  I definitely could never listen to book I had never read on tape.  However, with the little amount of time we have for reading, where is the time to re-read books?  My list of new books to read is two miles long.  And Harry Potter is totally worth reading a second time – the foreshadowing is killing me!  I can’t believe it!  Sirius Black is mentioned in the second chapter of the first book!  How could Rowling have ever realized she would be writing a seven book series and this Sirius Black would turn into someone very important.  It’s crazy.  So if you have long drives coming up this summer, I suggest some Harry Potter.  Or some other book you have wanted to read again but just can’t find the time.

And this is what I’m listening to right now:

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